Frequently Asked Questions
Is my donation to Holly's Nest tax deductible?
Yes, we are a registered 501(c)(3) charity.
Where are you located?
Holly's Nest is in Sanford, North Carolina.
Where do you release your animals when they are set free?
Our rabies vector species are released in heavily wooded areas where they have low risk of human interaction. Many of our other animals are released at Holly's Nest. Our facility is secluded on the Deep River, and provides a wonderful natural habitat for wildlife.
Do you need volunteers?
We rarely need new volunteers, but we will post on Facebook and Instagram when we do. Follow us there!
Can we come visit the facility?
Unfortunately, we can not host visitors. The babies in our care are wild animals, and even the kindest of folks can cause unnecessary stress to their fragile systems. Follow us on Facebook and Instagram to keep up with us!
Where can I find a wildlife rehabilitator in my area?
Visit the Humane Society's "How to find a wildlife rehabilitator" page.
Visit the NC Wildlife Resources Commission "Have a Wildlife Problem" page.
Visit the Best Friends Animal Society Wildlife Rehabilitator page.
What should I do if I find a baby bird?
First, search for the original nest. If you locate the nest, and it is intact, return the baby to the nest. If you are unable to locate the nest place it in a makeshift nest (a plastic container with holes and nesting materials hung in the tree closest to where the baby was found). Observe from a distance for one hour. If the parents return, the baby is OK. If they do not return then contact a local rehabilitator. If there are domestic animals nearby, place the box higher off of the ground.
What should I do if I find a baby fawn?
Fawns are born without a scent. A doe will leave her baby in a safe location and will return every few hours to feed it. This is called parking. The fawn will likely be lying down curled up with its legs tucked underneath its body. If you find a parked fawn, leave it be. Under no circumstances should you ever feed or touch a fawn. If it is lying flat out, running around crying, obviously injured, or found near its deceased mother contact a local rehabilitator or veterinarian immediately.
What should I do if I find a baby mammal?
First carefully identify whether the animal is hurt or sick. If the animal appears to be in good health, try to locate the den or nest and determine whether or not it is intact. If intact, place the baby in the nest or den, and watch for the mother to return over the next three to four hours. If you are unable to locate the nest or den place the baby in a shallow box near where it was found. Line with nesting materials and keep out of direct sunlight. If the animal is sick or injured, or the mother does not return, contact a local rehabilitator or veterinarian immediately.
What should I do if I disturb a bunny nest while working in the yard?
If a nest has been disturbed, put it back together and cover the babies with the grass that originally covered them. Place two sticks in the shape of an “X” on top. Check back in 12 hours. If the sticks have been moved, the mother has returned. If the sticks haven’t moved, contact a local rehabber.
Is it safe for wildlife babies to be handled by human hands in order to return them to their nest/den?
It is a myth that wild babies cannot be handled by humans. Human scent will not prevent the mother from coming back to her baby. As always, use caution when approaching any wild animal. Once deemed safe, quickly return the animal to its nest/den.
What can I do to promote wildlife on my own property?
You could plant blueberry, blackberry, apple or persimmon trees for long term feeding options for wildlife. In the short term, most birds like black oiled sunflower seeds that can be put in a feeder in your yard. Put out loose or eared corn for deer to feed on. Rather than throwing out apples, place them along the tree line for animals to feed on.